Career Counselling

You may currently find yourself disappointed in your current situation and unsure about what to do next. You don’t just want another job, you want a meaningful career that pays you well. NxCareer can help you: ​ Find clarity on the most authentic career options for you. Become aware of the types of job possibilities that you didn’t even know existed! Find your true purpose. Get a professi... Read More

You may currently find yourself disappointed in your current situation and unsure about what to do next. You don’t just want another job, you want a meaningful career that pays you well. NxCareer can help you:

Find clarity on the most authentic career options for you.
Become aware of the types of job possibilities that you didn’t even know existed!
Find your true purpose.
Get a professional assessment of your strengths, skills, personality, and interests.
Gain more confidence to land that job you deserve.
Finally, get that action plan together to get your dream career!

Annick is a Canadian Certified Counsellor (C.C.C.), a Licensed Counselling Therapist, an entrepreneur and a mom of two awesome little boys. She has a master’s degree in career counselling from Université de Moncton and has worked in different related fields which provided her with the knowledge to deepen her counselling approach aimed toward honoring client’s individual needs. Her expertise includes counselling, coaching, résumé writing and psychometric assessments. She hopes to help people discover their passion and guide them through their journey in finding their right career fit.

Annick est une conseillère canadienne certifiée (C.C.C), une conseillère thérapeute agréée, une entrepreneure et maman de deux merveilleux petits garçons. Elle détient une maîtrise en orientation de l’Université de Moncton et a travaillé dans plusieurs domaines se rattachant à l’orientation de carrière ce qui lui a permis d’approfondir son approche misant à respecter les besoins individuels de chaque client. Ses champs d’expertise comprennent le counselling, le coaching de carrière, la rédaction de curriculum vitae et les évaluations psychométriques. Elle souhaite pouvoir aider les gens à découvrir leurs passions et les guider au travers de leur cheminement afin qu’ils puissent trouver une carrière à leur image.

Annick is a Canadian Certified Counsellor (C.C.C.), a Licensed Counselling Therapist, an entrepre... Read More

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NxCareer - Bathurst
Located at: 188 Main Street, Suite 101, Bathurst
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Need Help? 506-855-2025